Simplifier plugin release

It's come to my knowledge, that managing the instances and copies manually can become confusing for some users, so I made an additional extension to CopyActor, I called SimplifyMEActorPlugins, or SMEAP for short.

This plugin allows you to create and add new actors without having to track a variable, in exchange of setting up where do you want to start pasting actors over, and how many of them are allowed
Because of limitations of doing it this way, I've set it so there is a limit to the max number of actors you have set in your database.
Nonetheless, since you still need the other plugin to make this one work, the other one can still bypass the limit set on the database.

What happens if you go over the limit? The plugin offers three options:

  1. Do nothing. When it tries to copy again past the limit, it will just not do it.
  2. Replace oldest. When it tries to copy past the limit, it will delete the oldest, and add it there.
  3. Replace newest. When it tries to copy past the limit, it will delete the newest, and add it there.

This plugin detects if InstanceActor is properly installed above it, and applies the same functionality for it too. Be careful to not set the copy limit high enough to overlap instances, because it will!

This new extension plugin will also have its own project, but for the time being as I'm a bit tight in time, I'm releasing it temporarily here, as I make the new demonstration and videos.


3 days ago

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