A downloadable RMMZ plugin

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I had made a plugin to answer a request where one actor could equip another as a item. Now I am adapting my plugins to MZ.


- Equip one actor (item) to another.
- Inherit some of the skills learnt by the item actor

How to Use

In order to make it work, just place <equipActor: x> on any armor or weapon where x is the actorId in the database. Then, equip this item to another different actor while x is on the party. X will leave party and you will equip the item. X will join back when you unequip this item.

You may also use <equipActor: x y> instead, y will be a normal variable to enable so you can check if this equipment is being used, for example, a different y if it's a weapon or a shield.

In order to assign what skills can be inherited or not, you just need to use the <ME_InheritableSkills: X> or <ME_InheritableSkills: X, Y, Z> notetags on the actors, replacing X, Y, Z (you can set any amount of them), with the skills id. If they learn the skill from any source, even equiping other actors, they will be able to pass them down to whoever equips them!

To install, it's the same as other plugins, place it on your project's folder/js/plugins, then link it in the plugin manager.

Terms of use


- Free to use as in money.

- Feel free to modify to redistribute it.

- This plugin comes as is, with no guarantees.

- I'll try to give support about it, but I can't say I will do it for sure.

Non Commercial:

- No credit required unless you modify it then credit yourself, in other words, no claiming as your own!


- Give credit me as the author of this plugin, I don't mind if you do so in some scene or some easter egg.

- Report any bugs, incompatibilities and issues with this plugin to me, even if you have someone else fixing them. (RPG Maker Forums, through thread or private message, or github)

Terms of redistribution and disambiguation

- You must include a link to the original RPG Maker Forums Post plugin.

- You can add terms to it, but you can't remove or modify the ones already existent.

- You must follow GPL 3.0.


Q: Can I add this tag to every equipable thing?

A: As long as in vanilla it's equipable, yes. You just add the notetag on the weapon, armor, accesory...

Q: What if I have multiple items with the same actor?

A: Your actor will disappear once any of them is equiped, and reappear when any of them is unequiped. Since your actor won't be in party, once you equip the first, you won't be able to equip the second.

Q: Can I equip one actor equiped with an actor? Do buffs stack?

A: Yes you can equip actors equiped with actors to other actors. Buff and stacks are predefined in the editor, so they don't stack.

Updated 16 days ago
Made withRPG Maker
Code licenseGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (LGPL)


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(1 edit)

Few questions 

Does this plugin allow the actor to also share the stats of the other actor that they have equipped for bonus stats, and the skills inherited are they permanent or do they forget(lose) the skills when they unequip the actor?

The other question is there a way for the actor who is equipped as an item still gain exp after battles and level up etc, and the new stats and skills that would of gained be updated if they are still equipped?

(2 edits)

Hello, let me adress your questions one by one, and please let me know if I misunderstood anything, or have any other questions.

  1. Are stats sent from one actor to another? No, you're equiping items normally, so you earn the stats from the weapons and armor tabs from the DB.
  2. On unequiped, do changed stats and skill changes stay? The point of the plugin when requested originally was to not have permanent changes to make Item Actors benefits more personal, so they leave once unequiped.
  3. Do equiped item actors gain exp as actors? They don't gain any exp, as they are not effectively in party. If requested, I can make an update to make it an option in plugin parameters.

Then if possible could I make a request , to have the option for equipped actors can still gain exp while equipped (even if it's like 25%-50% of the exp earned)?

Also is there a way to have it show what skills is granted and what skills are gained at certain levels for the actor item?

I was thinking on setting it as an optional setting as a plugin param with an option for the same exp as in party, the exp as subparty (50%), or none, I'm not sure I can make a customized amount without messing up with the very exp system and making this into another plugin (Which can also be done, but hopefully won't be needed). I'll work on it as soon as I'm done with SMEAP demo and videos.

As for the later, I take you are asking if would be possible to add some kind of notification when the equiped actor levels up, and learns an inheritable skill. It should take for a while, since that starts to get visual, but I can do it.

That's all I can ask, and that would be awesome

I'm in no rush for it myself, it's just your plugin is the closest thing to what I have been wanting to do for handling skills.

And thank you